Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Account From Old Account

There is an old account I used to have on YouTube that was both filled with real, live videos of me at the age of 4 and videos I made during when I was a kid. It originally belonged to my mother, considering all the old videos of her old horse and me being fed with chocolate pudding. All of the content I made myself was terrible, including two hate videos out of two content creators, but the older ones my mother recorded of me were like discovering a goldmine of old memories you previously dropped. 

Today, I recovered the email to that account and decided to change its branding entirely.

First, I tried to get rid of all the terrible videos I made (didn't save the comments 'cause I don't wanna go back and look at whatever cringe-fizzling flame wars happened to be on there), while I unlisted all the older videos before 2017 onto a a personal playlist. I downloaded both the bad videos and the memories onto this dysfunctional iPad that I'm currently using.

Next, I rebranded it to a new alter alias called "Anonymous Tealblood." I'm planning the purpose of the channel itself, something along the lines of music, circlejerking, and Wasted Potential: The Webcomic.
Then, I wiped out my entire activity history on both searches and watches, because I don't wanna sit on the YouTube homepage and look at whatever junk I missed out on since my last visit.

Finally, I deleted every single dumb comment I made previously. They were all terrible, and granted I was 9 years old at the time and didn't know anything at all, but they were somewhat amusing for how embarrassing they could be (I even complained about car commercials on a YouTube video, despite nobody caring at all lol).

And so, a new stage in content creation on the old account is born. The Anonymous Tealblood account will be kept silent until I get myself a new piece of useful, but unstable technology, unless if I'm... *gulp* well behaved.

With lots of yelp,

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